
At Evezr, we make the shipping process as simple as possible. We are a U.S. based company and our products are shipped from our warehouse in the U.S.

US Destination:

  • Orders will be processed within 1 to 3 business days.
  • We ship all orders using USPS Ground Advantage Mail Service, which typically takes 2 to 5 business days after shipping for delivery.
  • Enjoy FREE shipping on orders over $30.
  • For orders below $30, a flat shipping rate of $3.99 will apply.
  • A shipping confirmation email will be automatically sent out once your order has been processed.

International Delivery:

  • Orders will be processed within 1 to 3 business days.
  • We offer USPS International First Class Mail Service for international deliveries, with rates calculated by the post office at checkout.
  • A shipping confirmation email will be automatically sent out once your order has been processed.
  • Please note that some international orders may incur customs duties, taxes, or fees, which are the sole responsibility of the buyer.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Again, thank you for choosing Evezr for your personal grooming needs!